Ayla Deeyosah

ayla. a deeyosah. so simple yet very complicated. single. looking around. waiting. just living and still loving.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Why be wrong when you can make it right?

How do you justify something that is wrong? You know that in any angle you look at the situation, it’s against convention. It’s against the norms. It’s definitely not right. It’s just absolutely wrong. How would you justify it? If you were a lawyer, you would probably have had the abilities to turn things around and make your client murderer win. If you were a politician, you would have probably paid it off just to get away. In any case, you yourself know that it is just not right. How do we go about doing the wrong things? What drives us to do just these?

Do you believe in karma? There is good karma. There is bad karma. If we do good, we get good karma. If we do the wrong things, we get the bad karma. However long it takes, in whatever forms or ways, it just gets to us. As they say, “payback’s a bitch” and it’s not necessarily the case wherein life comes down on the side of the dirty mistresses. But how is it that even if we know of such things as bad karma, we still do the bad things? If you know it’s wrong, how do you still end up not correcting yourself? We humans are said to have been given a unique capability that separates us from all the rest of the animals. We have reason. We can reason out. We can determine what’s right and what’s wrong. We can choose. But humans, even with reasoning, can still be such animals. Their instinct is to grab for their prey, regardless of how the rest of the world will move or react as a consequence of their action. So if we do the wrong things, is it that we better call ourselves animals?

“Karma. It's not unfair. It's not unexpected. It just evens the score. And even when we we're about to do something we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass, well, that goes without saying, we do it anyway.” – George, Grey’s Anatomy

Why do we do it? We know it’s unfair. We know we could be stepping on the toes of other people as we walk by. We know that it could happen to us as well or worse. We know there are still a lot of things we could not conceive to be even possible to actually exist. You couldn't justify your actions. You can't say you're doing one bad deed to cover up a worse deed. You try to deny that it's wrong. You try to come up with the best justifications. You do it because the receiver of this bad thing deserves it. But is it not that you're still doing it wrong? You look at yourself in the mirror, and you know, you're wrong. You just don't want to accept it. Knowing all these, then why do it? Why risk? Is it because we want the world around us to move against the natural current? Is it because we likely choose to become evil? Is it because we want others to think that our motive is valid reason enough to do what is wrong? Is it because we have experienced too much bad things by being good and stopped believing? Is it because we have lost hope?

We can't justify. However you try to twist things around, it's just wrong. And yet we do it. We choose to risk, we choose to do what is wrong, probably because it’s the only way we can feel alive. At least there is some feeling we get from it... The feeling of anger, of thrill, of excitement, of biatchness, of fun, of guilt, of remorse, of revenge, of pride, of happiness, of contentment.

In Filipino, they would say, "Masarap ang bawal." And I guess that's it. We challenge ourselves and take the risks, at least so we could feel something, anything.