Ayla Deeyosah

ayla. a deeyosah. so simple yet very complicated. single. looking around. waiting. just living and still loving.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Life with Tomas

Life with Tomas is nice. He puts up with anything that I have to say -- all the ranting, the humor, the adult stuff. He welcomes all of my friends and loved ones as if they were his own. He stays with me up until I tire myself to sleep. He nourishes me with the richness of the city – good food, fun people, great music, wild lights. And even if I’ve left him for more than months, he still accepts me with open arms and a big smile on his face.

Mr. Morato, life is great with you. Drink with me. Eat with me. Live with me. I hope you stay right where you are. I'll keep coming back for you.