Ayla Deeyosah

ayla. a deeyosah. so simple yet very complicated. single. looking around. waiting. just living and still loving.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

thoughts on a cold evening

What if you could erase some memories in your life, would you do it?

I just saw this movie on HBO. It stars Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It was nice. It was crazy. It moved me. How can some moments just happen that after some time, you'd want to forget it ever did? What if you can just view all the records in your brain, like in a computer, and delete unwanted files from Windows Explorer? Pretty easy. Would it have been nice? Maybe you'd want to erase the memory of an enemy. Of your most embarrassing moment. Of your wrecked presentation. Or of relationships gone bad. At some point, I can say it would have been easier. Life would have been more peaceful.

What if I could erase some memories in my life, would I do it?

Maybe I would. But then it wouldn't make me who I am. *Singing: If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't take away the rain coz I know it made me who I am. -- Faith Evans